A Personal Note from Pastor's Pen - Seeking the Lost

One of the biggest wasters of time in our life is looking for things that are lost. Every one of us, without exception, has spent time looking for something that was misplaced. A remote, a watch, an earring, a phone, glasses, a wallet or purse, or one of the endless daily items we tend to lose. According to studies done by Cision Newswire, the average American spends 60 hours a year, looking for something they have lost. Some of us may be well above average. They also reported that the lost items collectively cost U.S. households $2.7 billion annually in replacement costs. But before you begin to think this is all age related, studies have shown that millennials are twice as likely to misplace something than boomers and 3 times more likely to lose something than GenX. We all have a lot of experience searching for the lost. What if I told you that searching for something that is lost was God’s intentions for your life? Think about it, the life of Jesus Christ was a life spent looking for lost things. Jesus said of himself in Luke 19:10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. Likewise, God’s intent for your life is for you to look for lost things! But, not just anything that is lost. Jesus begins this chapter speaking about a man who has lost his sheep. We can summarize this as, A Lost Possession. Many of you know what it is like to own something that is constantly growing legs and walking off, such as this sheep. The second story Jesus tells is of a woman who has lost a silver coin. Very easily, we can summarize this as, A Lost Prosperity. How many have ever left a restaurant, and realized late that night, you forgot your purse or wallet? However, the last story that Jesus gives in Luke 15 is the greatest of all parables ever given. Not because of what the person is doing. The father is doing the same thing that the other 2 individuals have been doing. They all are searching, but it is greatest of all parables because of the subject of what is being searched for. We can summarize this as the search for, A Lost Person. Our lives are already lived searching for things that are lost. This morning we need to refocus our life and our agenda on what it is that we should be looking for!  That is to see the Lost come to Christ!      
- Pastor Tommy

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